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If I can do this, you can do it too !!

Until 2017, my life was completely different than it is today. I lived in central Stockholm, Sweden and had never grown anything. I wasn't even good at keeping indoor plants alive!

All this changed when I moved to a small town. For various reasons, I and my former husband decided to try to become more self-sufficient. We spent hundreds of hours learning "everything" about organic vegetable growing. We quickly became attracted to a concept called "no-dig". And as nerds as we are, we planned our first growing season in every detail, with templates, spreadsheets, detailed planting schedules, etc. The first growing season was 2018. I have learned a lot along the way and the result has exceeded my wildest expectations.

I also have egg laying chickens. Such a satisaction knowing my eggs come from happy, healthy birds raised on an organic diet. 

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