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If we can do this, you can do it too !!

Until 2017, our lives were completely different than they are today. We lived in central Stockholm, Sweden and had never grown anything. We weren't even good at keeping indoor plants alive!

All this changed when we moved to a small town. For various reasons, we decided to try to become more self-sufficient. We spent hundreds of hours learning "everything" about organic vegetable growing. We quickly became attracted to a concept called "no-dig". And as nerds as we are, we planned our first growing season in every detail, with templates, spreadsheets, detailed planting schedules, etc. The first growing season was 2018. We have learned a lot along the way and the result has exceeded our wildest expectations.

We have now also procured chickens (a whole new area for us). We love to see our happy free-range chickens strolling around the garden, enjoying the amazing eggs they lay for us on a daily basis.

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